Sexual Health Promotion Project Update

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The Nth Queensland STI Action Plan has finished its first phase

The North Queensland STI Action Plan (funded Sexual Health Promotion Project) finished its first phase in December 2020.  The first phase included education sessions, extensive community consultation, and feedback on social marketing resources which primarily promote practising safer sex and getting regular STI tests.  The second project phase will be rolling out the campaign across Cape York.

The project worked with Napranum, Aurukun, Weipa Residential Campus and, AFL Cape York Boarding Houses to develop resources.  The staff in Napranum and Aurukun have been amazing to work with and have been so supportive, together with various community members and organisations.  A big thank you goes out to all of the community based staff who have given their time and knowledge to support this project.  Further, Napranum and Aurukun clinics are now providing free condoms discreetly, either from reception or clinic toilets.  This supports preventing STI transmission, so a big kudos goes to them for this initiative.

Josh Mene (Health Promotion Officer) and the team would not have been able to complete this first project phase without the support of Sandi Mitchell (Sexual Health Research Officer), staff on the project committee and, staff who have supported with education delivery and resource development.

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