Apunipima Cape York Health Council is the community controlled health organisation of Cape York. Delivering a range of health services across all Cape communities, Apunipima is accountable to you its members.
Apunipima’s Board is made up of people living in Cape York communities that, as a member, you are entitled to elect.
The Board’s job is to make sure that Apunipima does all it can to improve the health outcomes of people in Cape York.
To become a member of Apunipima, you must:
- Be over 18 years of age
- Be an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander with traditional or historical interests in Cape York
If you fit the criteria all you need to do is complete this membership form and return it to Apunipima or contact us.
At the next meeting of the Board, you will then be registered as a member. As a member you can attend, speak and vote at general meetings (including annual and special general meetings).
As a member, you can:
- Be made a Director of the Board – but need to reside in the community you want to represent
- Put forward resolutions at general meetings
- Ask the Directors of the Board to call a general meeting
- Vote to elect Board Members.