Coronavirus (COVID-19)

 In News

This information is true of 04/08/21, we are constantly learning more about this virus, further information can be found here.

Novel coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) is a virus in the same ‘family’ as previous outbreaks such as SARS and MERS, but also the common cold.

COVID-19 can cause symptoms like:

  • People can be well for up to 14 days, after being infected

How does it spread?

  • Most cases are spread by people who have symptoms
  • Some people can be infected but not get symptoms
  • Most spread is by droplet, aerosol and direct contact from people who are infected with symptoms. This can occur from around 24 hours before symptoms begin
  • Coughing and sneezing spreads the virus and the virus can be caught from surfaces that have been coughed or sneezed on


  • Stay 1.5 meters away from other people
  • Wash your hands often using soap and water or hand sanitiser
  • Cough or sneeze into your arm or use a tissue which must be thrown away
  • Wear face masks when you can’t physically distance or whenever mandatory face mask use is required
  • Get vaccinated

If you think you are unwell with Coronavirus:

  • Stay home from work, and isolate yourself
  • If you live in a home with others, try to isolate yourself and wear a face mask
  • If you have COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, get tested
  • Follow the instructions above to stop the spread
  • Call your health service and let them know before coming into clinic
  • After your COVID-19 test, follow all the instructions provided by the testing clinic


  • The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective and will protect your from becoming unwell from serious illness related to COVID-19
  • All Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples aged 16 and over are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination
  • Having the COVID-19 vaccine is your choice and the best way to protect yourself and your mob from serious illness
  • Getting the COVID-19 vaccine is free and as more of us get a COVID-19 vaccine, it becomes harder for the virus to spread
  • Talk to your Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Worker, Nurse or Doctor. They understand the risks and can help you make the right choice
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