Apunipima Cape York Health Council adheres to current best clinical practice in Primary Health Care.

It is our policy that Cape York communities should have full and complete access to current clinical practice that is evidence based, accessible and implemented in consultation with local communities.

We believe in a clinical service that is based on national clinical quality.

This includes best practice in clinical audit, continuing quality improvement, quality patient experience, accessibility and affordability.

Additionally, and more specifically, at a cultural service interface:

  • We pursue quality primary health care services where Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people are treated with utmost respect and kindness
  • We develop health services that Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people feel valued and comfortable accessing
  • We ensure that Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community people have a formal say in the continuous quality improvement process of their primary health care services

Apunipima’s clinical staff follow best practice and clinical guidelines as set out in the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Standards for General Practices; Queensland Health Primary Clinical Care Manual and the Chronic Disease Guidelines which Apunipima Cape York Health Council endorses.

The current clinical standards and governance for Apunipima is a shared arrangement between the Apunipima Medical Team and Torres and Cape York Health and Hospital Services Executive, including the Cape York Medical Leaders Forum, which includes Royal Flying Doctor Service, Queensland Health, Far North Queensland Rural Division of General Practitioners and Apunipima Cape York Health Council.

Apunipima Cape York Health Council adheres to current best clinical practice in health care.