chronic conditions

Ensuring our most vulnerable community members are supported

Chronic conditions are long-lasting and persistent in their symptoms or development. The term is applied to conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and other non-communicable diseases.

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people living in Cape York experience higher rates of chronic conditions and related risk factors than the rest of Queensland. Many chronic conditions can be prevented. However, the underlying risk factors are interrelated and complex to address. Apunipima provides a comprehensive model of primary health care, with a focus on empowering Cape York communities and families to address these underlying risk factors.


The Chronic Conditions Strategy 2016–2026 details the organisational approach Apunipima will take to work with Cape York communities in the prevention, detection, treatment and management of chronic conditions.

The strategy aims to improve the health and wellbeing of all Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples living in Cape York by reducing the incidence and impact of chronic conditions.

In this context ‘health’ refers to the physical, social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of individuals, families and communities.

This will be achieved by:

  • Supporting better access to primary health care across Cape York communities
  • Improving the patient’s journey through the health system
  • Improving collaboration between teams and with external partners
  • Promoting more efficient and effective use of health resources
  • Supporting local solutions and responses to identified needs
  • Improving local chronic condition interventions and processes
  • Avoiding service duplication and fragmentation and improving coordination in the prevention, treatment and management of chronic conditions